Most of the time, billboard ads are an annoyance, filling the side of the roads with cheap design and poor concepts. However, the billboards in this posts are not your ordinary billboard. These are funny, creative and/or well-thought ads that really stand-out.
1. IKEA billboard
2. Floralp butter
3. Miele vacuum cleaner
4. Adidas
5. IBM’s color sensitive interactive billboards
6. Strong tape billboard
7. Panasonic hair nose trimmer
8. Guinness
9. Law and order
10. McDonalds
11. Lego giant billboard
12. The back seat’s no safer
13. Bic billboard
14. Dieting ad
15. Barstools billboard
16. Unfinished projects
17. Another McDonalds billboard
18. The Economist
19. Gilette
20. Chevy in charge