The devil is in the details, and your cool interiors will not only look good because of nice furniture. You’ll need something cool for boring elements of your home, like these awesome bookends.


Bookends inspired by Japanese swords, looks like your books are pierced and held together by the katana. Buy from here.



A perfect fit for a crafty or steampunky interior. These bookends will keep your books in place forever. For sale here.


Portal 2

Inspired by the popular video game. Are you a geek? Then you need these. You can buy it from here.



Magnetic arrows bookends

Magnets are cool, arrows are cool, and they are even cooler when they make it look like no gravity is involved in holding your books. Buy it from here.


“Falling books” bookends

Another cool bookends that will probably puzzle your guests. Buy it here.



An obvious one, using the word “Bookend” to clearly state what is being used. Buy from here.


Knowledge in the brain

Bookends that symbolize the knowledge you get from books, with a contemporary design. Buy from here.


Stop hand bookends

Hold your books with two huge hands that come from out of nowhere. Buy from here.


About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.