People started designing with a purpose of attracting people. But today, they design with a purpose, with a message and with a meaning to educate and aware people. It has the capability to serve and create a better world for everyone. If you do not believe then have a look at 5 inspiring design below that can make the world a better place.

1. AirDrop Irrigation Water Source

The AirDrop Irrigation Water Source is designed by Edward Linacre, the winner of the 2011 Dyson Awards. The design portrays how life can be challenging to sustain without access to water. It gathers water from thin air to irrigate crops in drought conditions and arid environment.


2. The Hippo Roller Water Transport

In developing countries, people have to make multi-mile journeys to gather clean water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. For making this purpose easy, Hippo Roller Water Transport was introduced that uses the common cylindrical form of a large barrel and adds a push handle, giving individuals in undeveloped countries a chance to move a lot of water over long distances with much less effort.


3. BioLite Clean Burning Kitchen Stove

The Biolite HomeStove refines the cooking process. Over half of the world’s population cooks over an open flame in poorly-ventilated conditions, and the smoke inhalation leads to diseases and death in over 2,000,000 annually. This kitchen stove burns available fuel, in the form of wood kindle and tinder, in a clean and efficient way that produces a lot of heat with negligible smoke or pollution.


4. 1 Liter of Light Project

1 Liter of Light Project shows communities how to turn these discarded plastic bottles into skylight-style illumination without access to power in developing world, where electricity is not often readily available.


5. Ekso Bionics Mobility System

Ekso Bionics Mobility System gives paraplegics the chance to walk upright and leave the wheelchair behind.  It uses a system of braces, sensors and mechanical assistance that allows the physically-impaired, the option to stand upright and move.


About the Author

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Sabina Hona