Losing data is something that should not be as common as it is because there are plenty of tools to protect a business or an individual from losing their data. Data loss can result in financial implications for your business, and it will cost time and money to recover the data.

Apart from it simply being lost, there is also a risk that data may be stolen or somehow corrupted. This may lead to highly sensitive information being leaked about your clients or employees.
Preventing data loss is pivotal in ensuring the longevity of a business and ensuring that systems are in place is of utmost importance. Here, we discuss five ways you can prevent data loss for yourself and your business.
1. Get rid of sensitive data
Once you no longer sensitive information, it is best to get rid of it by permanently deleting it. Once it is no longer needed for a specific project or process, then it is best to preserve space by deleting it as it has become redundant.
If these documents exist in hard copy, you should shred them before recycling them and ensure that they are removed from all devices, cloud drives and external storage drives. The last thing you need is an information leak that can make you look incompetent as a company.
2. Use data protection software
A computerized maintenance management system allows you to easily protect your information. This information in the wrong hands can cause immense damage to an organization or a prominent individual.
Various service providers offer tools to simplify the user experience to easily back up data, set up firewalls, facilitate cloud disaster recovery and support anti-virus software. Data protection software is someone that goes a long way in ensuring optimal security from losing data and it being stolen. Check this article by Cloudally to learn more about different types of backup and pointers to pick the most suitable one for your needs.
3. Use password protection
Using a password is great, but what happens if a hacker figures it out? This means you should either use a multilayered approach to password protection. There are various ways to ensure your password is protected.
You can either add an additional layer that sends a one-time pin to your cellphone or ensure that a password has a good variety of characters. This applies to all devices connected to a network to ensure that everyone saving their information on company devices is protected.
4. Use malware protection
Malware can cause immense damage over time to your data, and you will have to find software that protects your business’s devices against viruses and spyware. The software prevents infection across a network and protects your business information from being stolen or seen.
The creators of malware and viruses are forever finding new tricks to hack into your system. It is important to update your software on a regular basis.
5. Create an off-site backup
You need to decide on a way to keep your data off-site in case of a tragedy like a robbery, fire or a flood; it is important to have your data safely stored.
Off-site storage can bring about a sense of ease and security, and you should ensure that off-site backups are regularly updated and kept safe. Again, information has become a valuable commodity and it is important for it to never end up in the wrong hands.
There are many other ways to ensure that your data is protected by using tools such as data encryption and extending access levels. With the range of tools available, data loss has rapidly become a thing of the past and companies and individuals can use reliable methods to safely store and protect their data from getting lost.