The proliferation of technology has driven progress in myriad aspects of life, including the healthcare sector. A growing number of healthcare organizations are incorporating technology into their operations, with the emergence of advanced solutions that facilitate efficient and streamlined service delivery.
Statista forecasts that technology will have a profound impact on healthcare in the future, with artificial intelligence poised to play a pivotal role.
The incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, supported by app development companies, not only enhances the work processes for healthcare workers but also offers numerous benefits that are indispensable to the contemporary practice of medicine.
This article delves into the advantages of integrating technology into healthcare and examines how various health technologies, built in collaboration with app development companies, have contributed to the improvement of the healthcare sector.
Why Technology Is Crucial In Healthcare?
Numerous factors make technology crucial in the healthcare sector, which explains why modern medical practitioners have increased their adoption of technological innovations. Some of the factors that make technology important in healthcare are
Real-time record
The usage of information technology in the medical sector has given medical practitioners access to patients’ records within a very short period. Access to information such as genotype, medical history, and other critical information in real-time will aid doctors in their service delivery.
EHR is one of the important innovative technologies adopted in healthcare for keeping patient information for easy access and retrieval. According to Statista, over 80 percent of the European clinicians surveyed claimed to have used electronic health records in 2020. Besides helping doctors make quick judgments, EHR also allows for storing patients’ data while keeping errors very minimal.
Improved monitoring system
Before the advent of technology, medical practitioners depended on assumptions and some traditional methods of monitoring the health status of their patients. In reality, this may only be somewhat reliable. The introduction of health monitoring gadgets and systems has allowed doctors to monitor their patient’s health status seamlessly.
This has allowed doctors to avoid working on baseless information and make judgments based on these monitoring systems’ facts, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their services.
Enhanced communication system
Communication is vital in healthcare, as doctors and patients must exchange information. The adoption of information technology has helped to make the exchange of information easier and faster.
Several applications have been built solely for effective communication between healthcare providers and their patients. With the introduction of these, patients don’t need to travel several kilometers before contacting their doctors or even scheduling appointments with them.
Elevated health analysis
Before the introduction of technology, doctors relied on predictions based on the symptoms shown by patients to determine the disease that may be affecting them.
However, the reliability of this method is questionable, and the creation of several testing and health analysis tools has given room for a scientific-based examination of patients to come up with a clear result of the ailment that an individual is suffering from.
Laser-Augmented Organ Transplants
With the advent of artificial organs, the mortality rate has decreased, and healthcare providers are able to provide effective services. There are various artificial organs such as bones, artificial hearts, artificial joints, artificial hands, artificial feet, etc.
This scientific innovation has allowed healthcare providers to replace almost any damaged part of the human body and increases patients’ confidence in the sector.
Benefits of Technology in Healthcare
The introduction of technology into the healthcare sector has helped boost and enhance the development of the healthcare sector and has been aiding in improving the effectiveness of healthcare service delivery. This is why you must uphold the importance of tech in the healthcare sector.
Some of the benefits of tech in medicine are:
Easy Access to Patient Medical Records
The EHR has been one of the most widely adopted technologies in the modern healthcare industry, and you cannot undermine its importance. This technology method gives health practitioners seamless access to centralized data of patients, such as medical history and bio-informations.
Easy access to all this information will help doctors make a fact-based judgment and prescribe the correct medication to their patients. This will prevent them from giving some drugs to people historically allergic to a particular drug.
Reduced Costs
Technology has always been helping in cutting costs in almost every industry, and the healthcare sector is not left out. Integration of technology such as artificial intelligence has reduced the need for human power, decreased medical errors, and increased the usage of automation in carrying out some tasks, thereby helping to reduce the cost.
According to statistics, the transition from the paper form of record to EHR has helped cut outpatient costs by 3%, meaning each patient saves an estimated $5 per month.
Rapid Treatment
Time is crucial in the healthcare sector, as delaying some treatment may lead to losing lives. Therefore, introducing a method that helps manage time is important. Technology usage in healthcare has helped speed up medical operations such as surgery, administering drugs, etc.
The introduction of some healthcare applications now presents doctors and patients with a feature that allows them to schedule appointments within a twinkling of an eye, thereby saving them the stress and time they would have expended on the traditional appointment scheduling method.
Enhanced Patient EEducation
Healthcare organizations are now adopting technologies that aid in creating awareness and educating their patients about their well-being. This gives room for patients to understand some important things that will aid in improving their health and thereby promoting healthy living.
Statistics show that 75% of physicians claimed that patient education and awareness technology could improve patients’ experience, while 91% of respondents explained that they use engagement tools to engage and educate their patients.
Innovative Medical Developments Boosting HealthTech
Technology has been incorporated into almost all aspects of healthcare, and its impact in the sector can never be underestimated. From surgery to heart rate monitoring tools, technology has provided almost every tool needed to carry out medical operations. The following are some of the technologies in the healthcare sector:
Technology has provided different wearable devices that help improve patients’ health. These are mainly health monitoring tools, and many of these tools can detect various cardiovascular irregularities in the body and prevent the case from worsening. Some wearables monitor patients’ blood sugar by measuring the amount of glucose in their blood.
Wearables help keep the health status in check in real-time and notify the user of any detected anomaly that may affect them.
Robotics Engineered Organ Transplant
Integrating technological and scientific innovations has provided the healthcare world with several artificial forms of human body parts. This is unarguably one of the greatest innovations, as it gives room for replacing any damaged organ in the human body.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality has moved from merely being for entertainment purposes to a tool used in training medical students and allowing them to have a real-life experience of some medical operations and simulation of human anatomy.
Cancer Immunotherapy
Cancer is previously seen as an incurable disease, but technological integration in medicine has recently changed this. Immunotherapy cures cancers by genetically altering the body cells to work together with the immune system to combat cancer.
Unlike chemotherapy, this method of curing cancer does not affect the healthy cell of the patient.
Telehealth allows patients to access healthcare services without moving an inch away from home. It allows users to get long-distance clinical health care while saving them from the stress and time involved in visiting the healthcare facility.
Healthcare organizations are building different healthcare applications that provide healthcare services to patients in the comfort of their homes.
Technology has recently shaped how healthcare organizations carry out different operations, and many are already embracing innovation considering its numerous benefits. Being a continuously- developing innovation, technology in healthcare is expected to grow beyond its current state, and organizations are already taking advantage of the evolving market by building products around it.
Thinking of building a healthcare tech product? The App Solutions will be glad to help bring your idea to life. We will not only stop at helping create your product but also build a long-lasting relationship to ensure that your product thrives well in the competitive market.
What are some benefits of technology in healthcare?
Technology in healthcare has many benefits, including seamless access to healthcare, improved patient education, and speeding up healthcare treatment.
Can technology improve healthcare delivery?
Yes. Technology has always been helping to enhance the delivery of services in the healthcare sector by making service delivery easier and decreasing medical errors.
Are there negative impacts of technology in healthcare?
Yes, although technology’s positive impact on healthcare has overshadowed the negative side of it. However, some things can be considered the negative effect of technology on healthcare. For instance, hacking healthcare databases may lead to the leaking of some patients’ confidential information.