The goal of conversion rate optimization is to increase the percentage of your website’s visitors that take desired actions.

This can be done through a variety of strategies and tactics. Among these strategies is increasing the time spent on your website by visitors. Increasing the conversion rate of your website can help you generate more revenue from your website.

The Understanding of CRO

The first step in conversion rate optimization is to understand your visitors. This includes identifying conversion blockers and analyzing visitor behavior. You can do this by using web analytics tools. 

Behavior Analytics

User behavior analytics tools collect qualitative data about visitors to your website. Once you understand your visitors’ behavior, you can start implementing changes that will increase your conversion rate. 

For example, if your visitors are hesitant to purchase something on your site, you can use a web analytics tool to find out what they are more interested in.

Conversion Goals

Another step in conversion rate optimization is identifying your conversion goals. These goals can vary depending on the type of business. For example, an online retailer may measure purchases while a business selling services may measure leads or white paper downloads. 


Once you have determined your goals, you can start testing to see which pages are most effective. Once you’ve identified which pages are converting the best, you can improve the content on those pages and improve your conversion rate.


Conversion rate optimization can be done by making your site more personalized for visitors. In addition, removing the clutter on your homepage and keeping only the most relevant information for visitors will increase your conversion rate. 

Consequently, personalization can help improve the user experience and increase sales.

How To Design Your Homepage For CRO

Your homepage is the first page your visitors see after landing on your site. 

As such, it is vital to optimize it for maximum conversion rate. 

To start, determine the most important goals of your homepage. Make sure the content is relevant and easy to find. It should also guide visitors to the next step of your conversion funnel.

One way to optimize your homepage is to reduce the number of options on the page. This can improve conversion rate optimization because fewer choices lead to a more defined conversion path. 

It’s similar to the Rule of Thirds, the principle often associated with photography. For example, if your homepage contains a series of buttons, choose a few that can be easily accessed by your visitors. This way, visitors can make an informed decision without having to read too many options.

Keeping your homepage simple and intuitive is crucial for conversion rate optimization. You can improve your conversion rate by including images of people looking at the elements on your page. 

Additionally, you can use colors to draw the attention of visitors. Remember, color is one of the most important visual cues, and people love to experiment with it.

How To Design A Pricing Page For Conversion Rate Optimization

In order to design a Pricing Page that will improve conversion rates, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. 

You need to be transparent. People appreciate being able to see what they are paying for and what they get. You should also explain what the benefits are of each option. Also, remember that people want to be comfortable in their decision, and offering a free trial will make this easier.

The prices on your pricing page should be large and clear against the background. You can do this by using a bold font or a different color for the price. 

You should also test each element, including the trust seal. Make sure to put it on every page. This is important because it will help users understand what they’re getting and whether they really need it.

The Call to Action is also very important. Changing the CTA from “Add to Cart” to “Get Started” or “Start Learning” can help you boost conversion rates. Remember, all pricing pages are not created equal! Make sure yours is a good one by using a strong call to action.

Remember to keep your pricing simple, but also differentiate your plans. 

For example, Groove used to offer a complex pricing page, but after modifying the price structure, their conversion rate skyrocketed. 

While complex pricing may not be an option for every business, you should consider a sliding scale plan for more complicated products or services. This will help buyers compare features and prices without feeling confused.

How To Design A Blog Section For Conversion Rate Optimization

Creating a blog that is appealing to the eye will increase your chances of conversion. 

A blog should be well-written with a high readability factor. If your readers find it boring, they won’t read it. Use catchy headlines to grab their attention. 

The AIDA principle will help you create catchy headlines. Remember, people have about eight seconds to absorb your content. Moreover, use short paragraphs and make sure each contains at least two to three sentences. 

If possible, add a few facts or statistics to make your point more credible.

Another way to boost your blog’s conversion rate is to analyze your readers’ intentions. Google rewards websites that fulfill user intentions. Fulfilling user intentions will boost your content’s conversion rate and help it rank higher in the search results. 

Marketers recognize four main search intents. Knowing what each of them means can help you determine what tactics will best fulfill those end goals.

Try including testimonials or reviews, as they help readers decide whether your content is worth reading. A sneak peek can also help them establish trust. In fact, many websites have gated content so that visitors can read a few articles before being asked to subscribe. 

Similarly, Medium allows readers to read a few blog posts before prompting them to subscribe to their blog. The key is to be creative and relevant to your target audience.

The Importance of CRO

Conversion rate optimization is important for all kinds of businesses, including B2B and SaaS. Lead generation involves catching customer interest, gathering their information, and contacting them. 

For B2B/SaaS companies, lead generation requires the customer to be able to find what they’re looking for and support their decision to buy.

How To Design Landing Page For Conversion Rate Optimization

If you want your landing page to increase conversions, it’s crucial to have compelling visuals. 

Images can increase conversions by creating an emotional connection with visitors. Use a hero image in your header, or a comparatively large image near the form to get visitors’ attention. 

Videos on landing pages are another effective way to increase engagement. When integrated with relevant content, videos can boost conversions by 86%.

Using heat maps and session replays can provide you with useful insights about user behavior and interactions. You can also use these insights to create more effective landing pages. 

Better user experience can lead to higher conversion rates, which ultimately leads to a more successful business. For this reason, heat maps and session replays are crucial tools to help you design an effective landing page. 

Once you have these insights, you can start testing your page for more effective ways to increase conversions.

The content on a landing page should be tailored to the needs of your target audience. It should be easy for visitors to convert. 

The copy should make them feel good about what they will get when they complete the form. As a first step in boosting your landing page’s conversion rate, consider creating a compelling value proposition. 

By placing your value proposition near the top of your page, you can increase the chances of a visitor converting. Your sales copy should also be complemented by compelling images.

How To Add Lead Flows On Your Website

Lead flows are a great way to increase conversion rates and capture positive attention from site visitors. 

However, when creating your Lead flow, remember to keep your brand in mind. The design of the page should match your existing branding, and you should use copy that will capture the attention of your audience.

When implementing Lead flows, keep in mind that they are not meant to live on every page of your website. Instead, add them where they make the most sense. 

For example, your bottom-of-funnel landing page may not be a good place for one, but a blog page is a great place for one.

Lead capture forms are most effective when they give visitors what they want and spark an immediate conversion. 

Pop-up boxes are great for email capture or gated resources, while drop-down banners are ideal for time-sensitive promotions and eCommerce sites hosting “flash sales.” However, you must consider what will work best for your website and your audience.

The layout of your lead generation website should be simple and intuitive. It should include informational images, videos, and internal links. The layout should act like a funnel that allows your prospects to convert from prospects to customers.

How To Test Your Landing Pages For Conversion Rate Optimization

If you want to improve your conversion rate, you should spend some time testing your landing pages for that. 

Your conversion rate depends on a variety of factors, including the copy, the layout, and the call to action. A clear call to action can increase conversion rates. 

For example, if you are offering an ebook, you should have an image next to the opt-in form that makes it clear what the free eBook contains. Before starting the testing process, spend some time coming up with a hypothesis.

Using a conversion rate testing tool will help you identify which areas are most important for your conversions. You should focus on the call to action, which is typically purchasing a product or signing up for a newsletter. 

Other common conversion goals are downloading an ebook, watching a demo, or requesting information.

One way to test your landing pages is by using A/B testing, which means testing one element on your landing page to see if it affects the conversion rate. 

This method works well with multiple elements, but does not require the use of a developer. Once you have a few versions of your pages, you can compare them to see which one converts the highest.

How To Create Call To Action On Your Website

Creating a call to action can be a very effective marketing tool if done correctly. 

It is one of the best ways to increase sales. It is important to write the call to action in such a way that it will capture the readers’ attention and encourage them to take action. In addition, the call to action must be clear and easy to understand.

A well-written call to action button should be easily identifiable against the background of the website. It should also be easy to click. It should also be clear where it should lead the reader. 

Make sure to include powerful action words and verbs. Also, try to use first-person language when writing the button. Using the phrase “you” shows that you understand your audience and are prepared to convince them to take action.

It is important to remember that web users are hesitant to take things on the internet at face value. They have been burned by websites that promise free services but require credit card numbers. It is important to anticipate this and make the call to action clear so that visitors can decide whether to do business with you.

A good CTA should be action-oriented and create a sense of empowerment. It should also be positive and upbeat. People should be motivated to act once they’ve read the call to action.

Add Some SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for lead generation websites. SEO is the process of optimizing your website to make it easier for search engines to find it and rank it higher in the search results. 

When done correctly, SEO can help you generate more leads by increasing organic traffic to your website. 

When optimizing your website for SEO, focus on optimizing the title tags, meta descriptions, and headings. You should also optimize your content by including relevant keywords in the text as well as internal links. It is important to keep content fresh and up-to-date.

Off-page SEO also  plays an important role in lead generation. Creating high-quality backlinks is key to getting your website noticed by potential customers. You can build links by guest blogging on other websites, contributing content to relevant forums, and participating in social media conversations.

Then, there’s something called “Trust Flow“. It’s a  measure of how trustworthy a website is, and it’s important because people trust those higher-scoring websites more than those with lower scores. You can increase your Trust Flow score by getting other highly trusted sites to link to yours. 

At this point, you should be good to go!


When there’s no limit to how much traffic you can drive to your website, lead generation becomes very important. With the right tools and strategies, you can create a successful lead generation campaign that will bring in more conversions and revenue for your business.

By creating an effective landing page and call to action, optimizing your website for SEO, and building quality backlinks, you’ll be well on your way to generating more leads. With some patience and hard work, you’ll soon see the results of your lead generation efforts

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.