A career in web design can be extremely rewarding and lucrative, especially with pay scales typically being by the hour, very motivated individuals in this field have the potential to experience exceedingly high incomes. But what kind of background and education is involved to qualify for these high hourly rates? Technically you do not need a degree to be able to enter into this field of work, however having one can set you apart from the competition as well as provide you with opportunities for career growth and expansion outside this field in the future. As you research the best ways to break into this field, consider how a college degree can be of benefit to your end goal at Exam Labs, and what not having one might cost you.

Double Down on Yourself

Although a degree is not necessary, it would be strongly beneficial to earn one for many reasons. Studying the field at a university can offer a better structured and smoother learning experience than trying to learn everything yourself. Not to mention, you can develop industry connections and experience during your studies that will enhance your resume in a way that being self-taught cannot. If you do decide to pursue your degree on your path to this career choice, you can take out student loans from a private lender in order to pay for your education.

If this is something that intimidates you, consider sharing the responsibility and taking out private student loans with a cosigner. Using a cosigner can help you secure better terms and rates based off the added security having a cosigner gives to the lender. Another benefit of utilizing a cosigner is that it is not forever. You can apply for your private student loan with a cosigner to reap the benefits, and then release them after you graduate pending you meet the requirements to do so. Cushioning your future with a degree is almost never a bad idea. If you ever find yourself wanting to leave the web design field, you will have more career opportunities with a college degree than without one.

Consider all Options

Web design can be somewhat of a broad industry, so think about the different niches, and where your specific interests and talents are. Research different job titles and the responsibilities that are associated with each to learn about the expectations of each niche. This is another way that college can be of a benefit to you. Being able to use professors and classmates as resources with real life experiences will help navigate your career in a direction that you enjoy instead of blinding entering the industry. Developing the skills beyond the technical arena that make the difference between a good web developer and a great one is going to create an advantage for you when things like client relations come into play. People will no doubt consider your work and experience, but they will also consider your personality and reputation as well when making hiring decisions. These types of characteristics can be developed and really flourish in a collegiate environment and then brought with you as you begin to establish your career.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.