Your business card is one of the first promotion material that you will give away when meeting people. It’s certainly the ultimate networking tool and it can make a tremendous difference if you can attract people’s attention by having a very cool business card. As a graphic designer, there is no better way to prove your worth than having great designs for yourself. Following you’ll find a round-up of inspiring UPrinting business cards, before we get a chance to do the same with Custom Canvas Prints for Wall Art.
1. TAM Cargo
The shippable business card, it folds into a small box.

Via Ads of the World
2. AVSD01
A minimalist typographic card, comes in many colors.

Via AVSD01
3. Akufen
A quite playful card that reveals the important information once the card is inserted.

Via For Print Only
4. Company London
A typographic card, very simple, that puts a strong emphasis on the phone number.

5. Franco Caligiuri
The best use of a two-sided business card I’ve ever seen. Each side promotes the financial services of Franco Caligiuri in another way.

Via ReThink Canada
6. Ilpiac
A multifunctional business card, at least if your client doesn’t like the card or doesn’t plan to contact you, he still gets a cool coaster.

Via Ilpiac
7. Adam Mann
Simple card, love the logo and the paper used.

Via Adam Mann
8. Tom, Dick & Harry
Another typographic card with a visible grid, cool.

Via Mike McQuade
9. Optimum photography
A little aperture in this cool two-sided card.

Via CardObserver
10. Sassen Design
A card that gets out of the frame, great use of a stamp.

Via Sassen Design