Every wednesday, we share a few freebies that’ll make your designer toolbox a bit more useful. If you are a designer and create freebies you are proud of, just drop us a line.
Feather is a growing collection of beautifully simple icons. The set is packaged in PSD, CSH, SVG and Webfont format.
Thumbnail stacks
Some PSD mockups of thumbnail stacks inspired by Dribbble.
Resphekt font
Designed by Fontfabric & Evgeny Tkhorzhevsky, Resphekt is a sharp and slightly abrasive, masculine script. It mimics cursive hand-writing to the extend that you can almost see the author, or in this case scribe, because Resphekt has a distinctly old-school vibe.
Geometric polygon backgrounds
A huge collection of 20 backgrounds each with different low-poly patterns and colour schemes for you to download for free! They’re all 3000x2000px at 300ppi making them large enough for both print and web designs.
Colorful flat icons
A few well-designed and colorful flat icons.