What is Jenkins? Jenkins is a tool that helps automate different parts of software development. This may includes process like building, testing, and deploying applications. It acts as a manager for these tasks, letting developers control the workflow of their projects. Let us explore more on Jenkin and its association with automation workflow.

Why Jenkins?

Here are the key reasons for using Jenkins:

  • Efficient Automation: Streamlines building, testing, and deploying code.
  • Valuable Skill: Important for roles like DevOps Engineer and Build Engineer.
  • Save Time: Automates repetitive tasks, reducing errors.
  • Tool Compatibility: Works with tools like Git, Maven, Docker, and Kubernetes.
  • Teamwork: Improves collaboration and workflow through continuous integration.
  • Scalable: Handles large projects and distributed builds.
  • Career Benefits: Opens up more job opportunities with Jenkins expertise.

Getting Started With Jenkin

You have to follow step by step guide to get started with Jenkin:

  1. Setting Up Your Jenkins Environment


  • Requirements of System:

Hardware: Ensure that your CPU, memory, and disk space are sufficient.

Software: You need Java Development Kit 8 or newer to run Jenkins.

  • Installation Methods:

Standalone: Download the Jenkins WAR file and run it with Java on your server or local machine.

Docker: Set up Jenkins in a Docker container for a portable and isolated environment.

Cloud-Based: Use cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to quickly set up Jenkins.

  1. Configuring Basic Settings
  • Complete the Setup Wizard:

After unlocking Jenkins, follow the setup wizard to configure basic settings. You can install suggested plugins or choose specific ones as needed.

  • Create Your First Admin User:

Set up your first admin user with a username, password, and email address. This user will manage Jenkins and its settings.

  1. Configure System Settings:

Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System to adjust global settings like JDK installations, Jenkins URL, and security settings.

  1. Set Up Security:

In Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security, set up access controls, security realms, and authorization strategies to manage user permissions.

Integrating Jenkins with Your Development Tools

Integrating Jenkins with Your Development Tools

  1. Install Required Plugins:

Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins and install plugins for your development tools, such as Git, Maven, or Docker.

  1. Configure SCM Integration:

In Jenkins, configure Source Code Management (SCM) by creating a new job under New Item. Select your SCM system (e.g., Git) and provide the repository URL and credentials.

  1. Set Up Build Tools:

Configure build tools like Maven or Gradle under Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration. Set up the necessary paths and configurations.

  1. Configure CI/CD:

Create and set up Jenkins pipelines or freestyle projects. Define build steps, test stages, and deployment procedures using the Jenkins interface or pipeline scripts.

  1. Integrate Notifications:

Set up notifications to keep track of build statuses. Go to your project configuration and add notification settings for email, Slack, or other communication tools.

Navigating the Jenkins Dashboard

The Jenkins Dashboard is where you manage everything related to your continuous integration and delivery pipelines. It’s the place to create jobs, track builds, and set up your environment. Getting comfortable with the dashboard will help you speed up your development process and make full use of Jenkins’ automation.

Understanding the Jenkins User Interface

The Jenkins User Interface (UI) is designed to help you quickly access all the key features. It’s divided into several sections to make managing projects and jobs easy.

  • Main Menu: Located at the top of the dashboard, the main menu has links like New Item, People, Build History, and Manage Jenkins. These options help you access Jenkins’ core features.
  • Left Sidebar: On the left, you’ll see links for common tasks, like configuring projects, checking recent builds, and adjusting system settings. This section also includes access to plugins and system logs.
  • Build Queue and Executor Status: On the right side, you will see a the Build Queue that will shows jobs that are waiting to be executed. Here the Executor Status shows how many builds are in progress and which agents are being used.
  • Main Workspace: The center part of the dashboard displays a list of your projects, showing their current status (successful, failed, etc.) and the results of the last build. Each project has links to its individual builds, settings, and logs.

Key Features and Functions

The Jenkins dashboard provides several tools to help you manage your CI/CD pipeline efficiently:

  • New Item: Use this to create a new job or pipeline. You can choose from various types of jobs, like Freestyle projects or pipelines.
  • Build Queue: This shows the jobs that are lined up to run but haven’t started yet, so you can track the builds waiting in the pipeline.
  • Build Executor Status: This displays the current builds that are running and the agents handling them, which is useful for distributed builds.
  • Recent Projects: A quick view of your most recent jobs, showing their current status and when they were last built.
  • Manage Jenkins: This section is for administrators to configure Jenkins settings, install plugins, manage credentials, and adjust system settings.

Creating Your First Jenkins Job

Jenkins jobs (also called projects) are what drive the automation process. Here you need to understand that each job includes steps like pulling code, building it, running tests, and deploying your application. Setting up a Jenkins job is easy and can be according to your project’s needs.

Steps to Set Up a Job

Follow these steps to create your first Jenkins job:

  1. Click “New Item”: Start by clicking the “New Item” button on the Jenkins dashboard.
  2. Enter Job Name: Give your job a name that makes sense for its purpose, like “BuildProjectX.”
  3. Choose Job Type: Jenkins offers different types of jobs, like Freestyle Project, Pipeline, etc. If you’re new, a Freestyle Project is a good place to start.
  4. Click OK: After selecting your job type, click “OK” to continue.
  5. Set Up the Job: On the configuration page, define what your job will do. Here, you’ll set up things like the source code repository and build triggers.
  6. Source Code Management: If your code is stored in Git or another version control system, enter the repository URL and branch details here.
  7. Add Build Steps: In the build section, decide what the job will do—like compiling code, running tests, or running a script.
  8. Save the Job: Once you’re done, click “Save” to save your job. It’s now ready to run.

Setting Up Build Triggers

Build triggers control when and how your job runs. Here are the options:

  1. Manual Build: You can manually start the job by clicking the “Build Now” button.
  2. SCM Polling: Jenkins can check your source code regularly and start a build if there are changes. To do this, go to Build Triggers, select “Poll SCM,” and set the schedule (like every 5 minutes).
  3. Webhook Triggers: Set up webhooks (for example, from GitHub) to trigger a build automatically when code is pushed.
  4. Scheduled Build: Schedule builds at specific times using the “Build periodically” option—great for nightly builds or regular tests.
  5. Upstream/Downstream Jobs: You can link jobs so one starts automatically when another finishes.

Running and Monitoring Builds

After setting up your job, running and tracking it is simple:

  1. Run the Build: To start the job, go to the job’s page and click “Build Now.” It will enter the Build Queue and start shortly.
  2. View Console Output: Click the build number in Build History and select “Console Output” to watch the build in real time.
  3. Check Status: When the build finishes, you’ll see whether it passed (green check) or failed (red cross).
  4. Post-Build Actions: Based on your setup, Jenkins can send notifications, deploy the build, or run additional tests after a build finishes.
  5. Build History: Jenkins keeps a record of past builds, so you can track performance and spot any recurring problems.

Cloud-Based Jenkins Platforms

A useful platform for speeding up automated cross-browser testing is the LambdaTest Jenkins plugin. This plugin allows you to easily automate your Selenium test scripts by linking your Jenkins CI instance to the LambdaTest Selenium grid. It is AI AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that allows automation testing and manual testing. The grid provides access to over 3,000 browsers and their versions, helping you achieve better test coverage during automation testing with Selenium.

With the LambdaTest Jenkins plugin, you can:

  • Easily set up your LambdaTest account details right in your Jenkins jobs.
  • Manage the Lambda Tunnel so you can test your locally hosted web apps without any hassle.
  • Embed all your test results—like video logs, network logs, and screenshots—directly into your Jenkins job results.

Improving Your Jenkins Test Automation Workflow

Making your Jenkins test automation workflow better is essential for working more efficiently, speeding up build times, and improving software quality. Here are some helpful strategies:

  • Use Pipeline as Code

Write your build and test steps in Jenkinsfiles. This keeps everything consistent and makes it easy to change things when needed.

  • Run Tests in Parallel

Execute tests at the same time on different agents. This helps you reduce overall execution time by splitting up the tests.

  • Schedule Builds Smartly

Use build triggers and scheduled builds to make the best use of resources and get timely feedback without slowing down your work.

  • Manage Resources Well

Keep an eye on your Jenkins agents and adjust them based on need. Regularly clean up old builds and files to keep everything running smoothly.

  • Use Test Reports

Add reporting tools to get insights into your test results. This helps you spot flaky tests and performance issues.

  • Automate Feedback

Set up notifications and use dashboards to keep your team updated on build results and the health of your pipeline.

  • Connect with Other Tools

Link Jenkins to version control systems, Docker, and test management tools. This streamlines your processes and keeps everything consistent.

  • Keep Improving

Regularly review your setup and practices. Work together as a team to find and fix any inefficiencies.

Best Practices for Using Jenkins in Test Automation

Following best practices in Jenkins can help make your CI/CD pipeline more efficient and reliable. Here are some important tips:

  1. Use Pipeline as Code
    Write your processes in a Jenkinsfile and store it in version control. This keeps everything consistent and easy to track.
  2. Keep Your Pipeline Modular
    Break your pipeline into reusable stages. This makes it easier to maintain and understand.
  3. Run Tests at the Same Time
    Execute tests simultaneously to cut down on build times and get faster feedback.
  4. Set Up Effective Build Triggers
    Use triggers based on code changes or events to ensure builds happen on time.
  5. Manage Resources Wisely
    Monitor your Jenkins agents and adjust them based on workload to use resources efficiently.


Starting with Jenkins is a great way to improve your automation workflow. By using its features like Pipeline as Code, running tests in parallel, and setting up smart build triggers, you can make your CI/CD processes faster and more reliable. Following best practices will help you manage resources effectively and strengthen your test automation. As you get to know Jenkins better, you will enhance your automation skills and create a team environment that encourages continuous improvement and innovation in your development processes.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.