Essay Writing Can be quite a Stressful Task for Students
Writing essays is a common task for college students. Regardless of the field, you are in, you have to know how to express yourself and communicate ideas. Students undergo writing exercises to gauge whether they are able to communicate their thoughts in an articulate manner. As an architecture student, you have to know how to speak to your audience using words they will understand. When you write an architecture essay, you express your understanding of the field. However, people are not the same, and while some may know how to deliver great essays, others struggle. A student who struggles with expressing themselves on paper is bound to fear essay writing. These students go to extra lengths to make sure they are not involved in the process of writing essays. Some will go online and order pre-written academic papers, others will plagiarize or copy from the internet, and others will have their papers written at a fee. Well, all these students believe they are doing the right thing or are trying to escape from the stressful work of preparing, researching, and writing an architecture essay.

What the above shows is that students need inspiration for writing an essay. An inspired student can write anything regardless of the level of difficulty. However, inspiration is crucial. But where should students get inspiration from? Well, the inspiration to write an essay should come from what one loves to do. Inspiration cannot descend on a person who is not interested in what they are doing. So, students need to do what they love,andthe inspiration to be and do great things will suffice.
The Broad Scope of Architecture
When someone says the word architect or architecture, many people think of buildings and man-made monuments. This stereotype has gone a long way in shaping what people believe architecture entails. However, what people fail to realize is that architecture is so much more than a building or a landscape. Architecture is what goes on in the mind before creation happens. The term architecture describes all that mankind has had a hand in creating or designing. So, there are different sides or aspects of architecture including landscapes, residential spaces, industrial architecture, urban design among others.

With a field that has different aspects, it is crucial that students find a particular focus. Architecture is a broad field and writing without a particular focus will lead to an essay that has no goal. As you write, you should have a goal,and your readers should not struggle to identify your goal. So, find a niche and develop ideas around it. Doing this will help you write an essay that fulfills a purpose and not one whose agenda is here nor there.
The Complete Guide to Writing Architecture Essay
Writing an essay on architecture involves strategic steps. Below are the steps:
- Decide on a topic and do proper research – choose a topic you are familiar with and one that will inspire you to do more. Having the freedom to choose a topic comes with someexcitement. However, you need to calm your self and find a topic that resonates with you or that you are comfortable with. Then, the next step involves in-depth research. To deliver an interesting piece, you need to read. Extensive reading will make your essay stand out as it will encompass ideas from different people and places. So, take your time and read before you start writing, for example, an essay on architect. There is a disclaimer here: if your topic does not have enough material, find a new one.
- Planning is the next step – here, you need to determine the structure of your essay. Architecture essays use an analytical style of writing. This means you have to present the information you found while researching. Furthermore, you have to discuss or engage at a deeper level to show your audience that you understand your topic. If you do not want to follow an analytical structure, you can use the persuasive style of writing. This style expects you to convince your readers of something. So, you need to know your facts and deliver them in a coherent manner.
- Writing essay – this is the third and last step of writing an essay about architecture. As with any piece of writing, you start by writing a draft. A draft is essential as it will help you deliver a great essay because you will have known what to include and what to ignore in your final paper. As with any essay, you start strong and deliver an introduction that intrigues the reader and makes them want to read the rest of your paper. In the body, you make sure that you have topic sentences which are well supported. When you get to the conclusion, you have to make sure that you end well and leave your readers with something to thinkabout. Intrigue your readers and offer them new perspectives.
In conclusion, it may be stressful to write essays all the time, but you can practice and be better. Learn how to develop sentences, how to develop paragraphs and with time, you will be confident enough to deliver a paper.