When confronted to irrational situations, we naturally tend to get lost and lean toward irrational solutions. Debugging Internet Explorer often makes you feel lost, thus pushing you to explore unknown CSS techniques and beyond. I am sharing these techniques with you, but please only use them if you are desperate as they only work once every 10 years.
A great (and true) comic by HijiNKS Ensue
If you can’t fix the problem, take the way around: upgrading your client’s browser
Your client doesn’t know what browser he is using, chances are that he doesn’t even know what a browser is. Hey, we all are just using the internets right? So next time they hit that big blue button, they will just notice that the problem on their site is fixed, nothing else. And trust me, they won’t ask you to test it for cross-browser compatibility.
Puppies can be the best IE6 CSS hacks
Pray the CSS gods, use puppy sacrifices
Vinh Le of Blog Design Blog once advised me to pray the CSS gods to fix some IE6 issues. Of course the right breed of dog has to be used, otherwise your sacrifices may reveal useless. Known issues: chihuahua sacrifices seems to have a compatibility problem with IE6, they don’t work anymore.
Eliminate the problem with the Internet Explorer Voodoo doll
Since Internet Explorer seems to be magically sticking in people’s computers, voodoo might be the only solution left to get rid of it. For those interested by this techniques, there is a tutorial on DeviantArt on how to create your own Internet Explorer Voodoo doll.
Forget about the problem, drink beer, a lot of it
The temporary solution to any problem: alcohol! This will of course not eliminate the problem, but at least you won’t think about it, could you really ask more?