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The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.

March 31, 2012
March 29, 2012
March 20, 2012
March 16, 2012
Lego Imagine
Lego Imagine
February 20, 2012
Greenpeace “become David” ad campaign
Greenpeace “become David” ad campaign

I’m not sure about the efficiency of these ads for Greenpeace, but I can tell you for sure that the illustrations are wonderful. Via Designboom.

February 17, 2012
January 31, 2012
January 29, 2012
January 15, 2012
Fast food: ads vs reality
Fast food: ads vs reality

A cool side project by a photographer to expose the false promises of fast food advertisements. The project says a lot about advertisement, and maybe even more about fast food. Now I’ll wait for someone to go pick up models out of studios to take un-Photoshopped pictures of them.

January 13, 2012
January 11, 2012
A look at dieting and weightloss ads
A look at dieting and weightloss ads

In western societies, losing weight has become an obsession for some, a necessity for others, and a juicy market for an entire industry. It is interesting to take a look at how companies chose to communicate for these products. Most images in the following article have been found on the excellent Ads of the World […]

January 10, 2012
January 4, 2012
January 3, 2012
Personal ad for Heinz Garlic Sauce
Personal ad for Heinz Garlic Sauce

Brilliant use of personal ads’ space by Heinz to get their message across. Via Ads of the World.

December 7, 2011