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The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.

November 20, 2010
Ads for the Wall Street Journal
Ads for the Wall Street Journal

Great ads for the Wall Street Journal by Habbenink, see more on the Behance Network.

November 10, 2010
November 8, 2010
October 28, 2010
Advertising that will catch your attention: 20 awesome billboards
Advertising that will catch your attention: 20 awesome billboards

Most of the time, billboard ads are an annoyance, filling the side of the roads with cheap design and poor concepts. However, the billboards in this posts are not your ordinary billboard. These are funny, creative and/or well-thought ads that really stand-out. 1. IKEA billboard 2. Floralp butter 3. Miele vacuum cleaner 4. Adidas 5. […]

October 23, 2010
October 19, 2010
October 18, 2010
October 14, 2010
Google: did you mean battleship?
Google: did you mean battleship?

Did you mean battleship? This ad campaign is just great (especially the sheep one). I’ll confess that, from time to time, I use the Google suggestion to see how a word is spelled. Campaign by Grey, via BumBumBum and The Inspiration. Did you mean austronaut? Did you mean jetlag?

October 8, 2010
October 2, 2010
September 27, 2010
Homemade is best
Homemade is best
September 20, 2010
September 18, 2010