The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.
As consumers, we are literally overwhelmed with advertisement everywhere. Hopefuly, from time to time some advertising agencies get very creative and give us some very cool ads. The following examples are what I would call some very creative advertisements. 1. FedEx Express Photography by Manolo Moran. 2. HP Printer ads Photography by Joseph Ford. 3. […]
Mmmmm… I think I will try some of that gorgeous meat… wait, WHAT?!! To give you an idea of the difference between the package’s picture and the real content of it, check out this page on Funtastic.
Companies send a lot of money on trying to catch your attention, in this collection you’ll find creative advertising that probably reached their goal. 1. Bounty’s big spills campaign 2. Tyskie beer 3. Johnnie Walked 4. Bad Dog Breath 5. Google Street View 6. Hospital Aleman 7. Ibuprofen advil 8. Audi Sculpture 9. Fight smoking […]
I recently stumbled upon the above picture that shows a bus-stop poster with a creative use of technology. As I’m an admirer of creativity, I first thought that it was quite cool, then I had a second thought: “Isn’t this a little creepy? Videocam knowing if we are looking or not?”. A little while after, […]
Advertisers know that showing beautiful bodies is the best way to get viewer’s attention. This explains why commercials often show naked people to sell not-so-sexy products, most of the time lacking creativity. In the following collection, you find some commercials that are both creative and sexy. 1. Nando ad for the “double breasted” burger 2. […]