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The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.

January 11, 2008

Creative stuff… via Elmanco.

January 10, 2008
Pearls of wisdom
Pearls of wisdom

The value of advertising is that it tells you the exact opposite of what the advertiser actually thinks. For example: If the advertisement says “This is not your father’s Oldsmobile,” the advertiser is desperately concerned that this Oldsmobile, like all other Oldsmobiles, appeals primarily to old farts like your father. If Coke and Pepsi spend […]

December 16, 2007
Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg
Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg

A tribute to Serge Gainsbourg, one of the greatest french artists of the 20th century. This ad for the TV tribute to his work is just great and expresses perfectely what Serge Gainsbourg has brought to music in France. If you don’t know about Gainsbourg and sex, Whitney Houston knows. Just a short clip by […]

December 7, 2007
Mc Donalds on your kids report card
Mc Donalds on your kids report card

Now this is exactly what I call unethical advertising. I’ve always wondered why Mc Donalds had such a bad reputation, apart from the bad food they serve and how the way they pay their employees, and there is my answer. They seem to be ready to do about anything to get their name out there, […]

December 6, 2007
Mailer for Mayor
Mailer for Mayor

I have no idea about who Mailer was or what his political point of view were, but I would definitly have voted for him with a campaign poster like this one. See here a bigger version and details. Via Kottke.

November 28, 2007
Only in France: USB wine downloader
Only in France: USB wine downloader

Funny, download you wine straight from any computer with this new french product. Obviously this product is fake, but it is a real marketing campaign for a wine reseller. The website is in french, but I guess it’s easily understandable for anyone.

November 21, 2007
Brilliant advertising for IKEA
Brilliant advertising for IKEA

Simply brilliant. Via Swissmiss.

November 18, 2007
Stop dreaming
Stop dreaming

Harley Davidson has a new great advertising campaign.

November 11, 2007
Make my logo bigger
Make my logo bigger

“Make my logo bigger”, every designer has probably heard this sentence a thousand times. Now there is a new (fake) product that will finally satisfy your clients, check it out on this hilarious ad. Via FreelanceSwitch.

November 8, 2007
Don’t steal, it’s bad
Don’t steal, it’s bad

Are you a stressed designer thinking about taking someone else’s idea or concept? Forget it right away or Joe La Pompe will find you and point his finger at you, throwing shame at you for a very long time.

October 4, 2007
Bravia Spot
Bravia Spot

Sony Bravia – Play Doh Ad envoyé par tvspot New great commercial for Sony. Via Fubiz.

September 28, 2007

Somewhere in between russian constructivism and Bauhaus, these posters for Honda are really everything I like about typography.