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The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.

September 26, 2019
How to Use Paid Media to Grow Revenue
How to Use Paid Media to Grow Revenue

Paid media is one of the best ways for any new business or venture to gain traction. It’s much easier to track and refine than nearly any other marketing effort. If you have no experience in this area, there is a bit of a learning curve if you choose to DIY. However, hiring an experienced […]

July 8, 2019
Sofa Sans: a Typeface Created with IKEA’s Couch Creator Tool
Sofa Sans: a Typeface Created with IKEA’s Couch Creator Tool

IKEA tries to innovate regularly and adapt their way of selling to their clients’ evolving buying habits. As part of this innovating mindset, they released a pretty cool couch building online tool. Things did not go exactly as they planned, as users quickly started to have a lot of fun with the tool and built […]

June 14, 2019
IKEA Releases the Best Grater Ad Ever
IKEA Releases the Best Grater Ad Ever

A couple of weeks ago, Apple released its long-awaited new Mac Pro. To say that it was not appreciated would be an understatement. The pricing of the screen stand was widely commented, which sounds quite normal when you take a look at the price of $999. However, there was more too it. The main complain […]

April 14, 2019
Skate or Eat Steak, a Creative Signboard in Nantes, France
Skate or Eat Steak, a Creative Signboard in Nantes, France

It’s always good to get along with your neighbors, not only you avoid petty arguments, but you can also build things together. This shop sign in the French city of Nantes is the best example of this. The neighbors, a skate shop and a butcher (aka the steak shop), decided to create a sign together. […]

March 20, 2019
4 Great Promotional Ideas for Your Business in 2019
4 Great Promotional Ideas for Your Business in 2019

Advertising is arguably one of the most studied concepts in the business world. Advertising is what separates a fast-growing business and a failing business. It is therefore logical for any business to embrace advertising as one of the smart moves to grow. Traditional advertising is, however, costly for small business, and this cost aspect in […]

August 26, 2018
Paper-cuttings that illustrate how medicine works
Paper-cuttings that illustrate how medicine works

Explaining how medicine works is not always easy, and there is something about medical illustrations that makes it not very suitable for advertising. For a pharmacist based in Roma, Italy, the agency JWT Italy found a perfect solution.  They illustrated each medicine’s effect using paper-cutting with bold colors and simple line drawings. Suddenly, everything becomes very […]

July 29, 2018
Imagine: a spectacular advertising campaign for Lego
Imagine: a spectacular advertising campaign for Lego

Lego is familiar with releasing great advertising. It has something to do with the nature of their product, which can be transformed into pretty much anything given enough patience and dedication. The campaigns below, developed by Asawin Tejasakulsin, show it once more. You can drastically change your environment by building awesome things with your Lego, turning […]

March 15, 2018
Pop-Art landmarks: the rise of pop art and its legacy
Pop-Art landmarks: the rise of pop art and its legacy

The 1950s was a turning point in the world of art. In fact, the decade arguably witnessed more transformation than it had in the previous 500 years. Popular culture as we know it was beginning to take shape, as early globalisation and the cementing of modern capitalism drove demand for more life-enhancing products and services. […]

November 23, 2017
When design goes wrong: 10 wonderful design fails
When design goes wrong: 10 wonderful design fails

The easiest way to demonstrate the purpose of design is maybe the absurd way. Good design isn’t always spectacular, while bad design will show you exactly what parts of the work the designer is paid for. Here are 10 examples of design fails that will make you smile. 1. Fashion Fart When using a capital […]

September 7, 2017
Creepy and brilliant street marketing campaign for the movie IT
Creepy and brilliant street marketing campaign for the movie IT

The new IT movie has already been heavily publicized around the world, so you probably already know that it’s coming soon. The first one was already scary enough, and if you watched the preview, the second one will be even scarier. In Sydney, a marketing agency has decided to start terrorizing people in the streets […]

June 26, 2017
This advertising campaign shows you the bottom half of famous portraits
This advertising campaign shows you the bottom half of famous portraits

In these award-winning ads, Ogilvy Chicago created the bottom part of several famous art portraits. These complements to the artworks were designed to promote a shoes brand, Kiwi.

April 27, 2017
When luxury brands steal common designs
When luxury brands steal common designs

Most of the time, you’ll find poor people that are eager to buy luxury brands to upgrade their social status. Sometimes though, it seems that the designers working for the luxury companies dream of designing poor people’s designs. For example, Balenciaga’s designers seemed to really like IKEA’s big blue bags (named Frakta), because the “Arena” bag […]

March 30, 2017
Seibu Railway released some cool good manners posters inspired by ukiyo-e
Seibu Railway released some cool good manners posters inspired by ukiyo-e

We already know that art can be an excellent source of inspiration for advertising, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that this campaign inspired by ukiyo-e (traditional Japanese prints) works so well to remind train users to keep good manners on the train. Seibu Railway releases each year a new poster that is used […]

March 28, 2017
White Square: 10 daily till the deadline!
White Square: 10 daily till the deadline!

There are just 10 days left to enter the creative ring and submit the entries to one of the leading festivals of creativity in Eastern Europe – IX White Square International Advertising Festival. Call for entries runs out on April 7! Obviously, it’s high time to hurry up! But if you consider yourself worthy of […]

March 16, 2017
“Pass the Heinz”, Don Draper’s campaign comes to life
“Pass the Heinz”, Don Draper’s campaign comes to life

In a quite clever marketing stunt, Heinz just used the refused campaigns created by Don Draper in Mad Men. In the TV show, Draper presents a concept with minimalist visuals and fails to convince the Heinz team that the product can be sold without showing it. Now it seems to be obvious that you can […]