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The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.

February 3, 2016
Advertising campaigns modelled with clay by Alexandra Bruel
Advertising campaigns modelled with clay by Alexandra Bruel

Alexandra Bruel recreates some objects and brands with clay, giving it a pop-art look-and-feel, with bold colors and clumsy shapes. Using clay modelling, she built herself an impressive portfolio that is deeply satisfying for your inner child. Her cartoonish work was featured in ads for many major brands, like Vogue, Urban Outfitters, or Wired, among […]

January 11, 2016
A collection of creative ads for Lego
A collection of creative ads for Lego

Lego is the amazing success story of a brand that created a very simple toy that appeal to kids’ imagination. However, although the product is at the center of the brand’s success, its advertising probably helped a lot in making the company a leader in its industry. Jurassic. Lego opens amazing worlds for your children, illustrated […]

Good agencies copy, great agencies steal and receive awards
Good agencies copy, great agencies steal and receive awards

“Good artists copy; great artists steal”. This quote was ascribed to Steve Jobs, Pablo Picasso, and William Faulkner, among many other talented men. I cannot confirm whether these artists really said it or not, but I can verify that Malaysia-based design agency Dentsu Utama took this quote quite literally. The agency just copied a logo published […]

December 13, 2015
A look at Happycentro’s design work with paper
A look at Happycentro’s design work with paper

Based in Verona, Italy, Happycentro is widely known as one of the top design agencies worldwide. In this post, we take a look at some of their crafted work. Nike – We run London Limited edition invitation for the 10k Women Marathon that took place in London. Crafting the mockups was a daunting task for […]

August 24, 2015
When marketing takes it to the streets: 10 amazing campaigns
When marketing takes it to the streets: 10 amazing campaigns

The large quantity of ads in urban environments makes it harder and harder to stand out in the crowd for advertisers. Nowadays you need to show some extra creatitivy if you want to get noticed, like the following brands did. 1. The IKEA bus stop This French campaign for IKEA takes over a bus stop, […]

July 9, 2015
20 examples of creative outdoor ads
20 examples of creative outdoor ads

When creating print ads or web banners, you are limited by the space and the display techniques. For outdoor ads, you can play with the surroundings and the only limits are the limits of physics. The agencies that designed the following 20 outdoor ads just did an amazing job at being creative. 1. Bic Razor: […]

June 11, 2015
20 creative advertising posters for your inspiration
20 creative advertising posters for your inspiration

We have come across several ad posters in our life. Some of them might be fun, some might be just ok and some really awesome that you couldn’t resist taking it as an inspiration. In this today’s blog post, we have a collection of 20 creative advertising posters for your inspiration. Check them out below! […]

June 5, 2015
A stunning drawing of a world destroyed by humans
A stunning drawing of a world destroyed by humans

This spectacular drawing was commission work created by McCann India for Greenpeace. Using the Yin Yang symbol and applying it to the earth, Greenpeace suggests that we bring back some balance to our planet. You can see some images of the making off of the drawing, as well as the end result in this post. […]

May 11, 2015
Lego replaces two stolen statues in Hungary
Lego replaces two stolen statues in Hungary

Some thieves in Budapest decided that it would be a good idea to steal some statues from the Margaret Island park. Unfortunatly, the city doesn’t have the money to pay back for the bronze statues. For Christmas 2014, Lego decided to offer the city its statues. With the help of Y&R Budapest, the local Lego store […]

May 5, 2015
Mysterious doorways into foods
Mysterious doorways into foods

Ogilvy & Mather New York and Ars Thanea Studio created these great visuals for a campaign about food and science. For Dupont Nutrition & Health, they created mysterious pathways into food to illustrate the influence of science on the taste of food.

March 21, 2015
Hidden in plain sight: a Swiss advertising campaign inspired by Liu Bolin
Hidden in plain sight: a Swiss advertising campaign inspired by Liu Bolin

The Zurich Public Transport recently launched a campaign to promote their job opportunities. The jobs of public transportation don’t get much exposure despite often being held in public, so the agency behind the campaign thought it was a good idea to play with that. They took employees from the company and painted them to blend […]

March 16, 2015
10 spectacular outdoor ads and billboards
10 spectacular outdoor ads and billboards

In this post, we have the collection of 10 unique, spectacular and creative outdoor ads and billboards from all over the world. Have a look at them below! 1. Dumocalcin Giant Bones These oversized bones look more powerful, isn’t it? These bones were used as bridge columns in Indonesia. Get more detail here. 2. Tibits Giant […]

February 28, 2015
15 awesome print ads for your inspiration
15 awesome print ads for your inspiration

Despite of such a growth in technology and techniques, print ads are still popular on its own. It is an older form of advertisement which is basically seen in magazines, billboards and journals. However, unless the ad is extra-ordinary and creative, it is very hard to stand in today’s fiercely competitive marketplace. Hence, in this […]

February 26, 2015
Funny ads for a Russian language school
Funny ads for a Russian language school

Studying a language will most often make you feel closer to the language’s country. That’s the assertion that Russian graphic designer Ira Smolikova visualized for this brilliant advertising for the Pushkin Institute, a Russian language center. The visuals take several countries popular culture symbols and, in a few steps, turns it into a Matryoshka, the […]

February 9, 2015
18 cool examples of food advertising
18 cool examples of food advertising

The funny and crazy ads get attention and make the reader’s eyebrows raise. People just enjoy it and that is why many brands are creating such funny yet creative ads to entertain and attract customers. Here are 18 cool examples of food advertising. 1. Bell Food – Sardine Sardine lovers, see this amazing ad. 2. […]