The best of advertising. Regular inspiration on that topic.
Today, here we have the collection of 10 ads that you won’t see in newspapers nowadays may be because they do not make sense anymore. Through these ads, you’ll definitely know the height of development in the field of advertisements and graphics. These below mentioned ads used to be popular in one era but do […]
This advertising campaign for Samsung rides on the popularity of selfies. The text and images that most cell phones and cameras will just let you take shitty selfies, and that their camera will turn your self-pictures into real portraits. For that, they took some of art history’s most famous paintings and recreated how the setting […]
Despite of knowing the harmful effects of smoking, many and many people are into this habit. However, there’s a hope that creating awareness and educating them can open their eyes and gradually decrease their smoking habit. Those vapes and handheld vaporizers have sure helped decrease the number of smokers – it is a healthier alternative […]
Stains are killing your furniture, that’s the funny way Old English found to make you aware that they sell products to fight those stains. The visuals are very well executed and efficient. Via Gute Werbung.
Advertising and design agency can often express their creativity at their best in advertising. In this post you’ll find some awesome examples of amazing advertisements. 1. The French Open A subtle and visually appealing way to advertise for a tennis tournament. Via Brilliant Ads on Twitter. 2. Lego Van Gogh Lego is famous for its […]
Advertising is a way to popularize your brand and create awareness among your consumers via a powerful message associated with it. Below we have the collection of 10 such advertisings that demonstrate very powerful messages with them. Let’s have a look! 1. Motor Accident Commission of South Australia: Body Crash With a message, “We all […]
Experiential marketing, or “engagement marketing” as it’s often called, is a marketing strategy that builds direct relationships between the brand and the client. Instead of looking at the consumers as passive receivers of the message, engagement marketers address the consumers directly and engage with them. some companies like RPM specialize in this type of marketing. […]
The city of Toronto recently started to broadcast a powerful campaign that visually plays with words and directly attacks litterers. The campaign’s message is obviously right, littering says much more about the people who do it than about anybody else.
Hunting endangered species is unfortunatly still a widely popular activity, whether it’s for rare parts of the animal or just as a hobby. To raise awareness on this crucial issue, Pro Wildlife hired German studio Guertlerbachmann. The campaign uses stamps that illustrate visually the effects of hunting endangered species.
It needs a creative mind to strike people and drive awareness via advertisements. There are several social issues in our society which have negative impacts for both adults and small kids. Your action is what copied by your kids. So act smart and be a part a good human being who is lovable by everyone. […]
With the aim of changing creative ideas that transform client’s businesses, brands and reputations, agency Saatchi&Saatchi Russia has revered as the hothouse of the world. They believe that with one team and one dream, nothing is impossible. They are absolutely transformational, accountable, ambitious, courageous, and passionate at their work. They have made illustrations campaign for […]
Ads are the powerful marketing tool that has the super power to guide the audiences. Besides popularizing your brand, it can actually aware people if you make the one thinking for your audience. Some ads even have emotional values and hit the audience at one shot. Many people suppose ads to be annoying and irritating […]
Advertisement is one of the most powerful marketing tools that can attract several customers. But there are several advertisements of various brands and only those are able to stand in customer’s eyes which are unique and creative that spreads message through its innovation. So choosing correct advertisement agencies is very important. Some of the great […]
Texting while driving has become way too common in today’s society. For that reason, you can see more and more ads teaching drivers that texting can be as dangerous as drinking when you take the wheel. In this ad, the message become personnalized with each letter becoming one of the most iconic “bad guys” from […]
With you Jeep, you are supposed to be able to go everywhere. This is what Leo Burnett France tried to illustrate in this cool campaign. Each animal can be seen upside down, suggesting every time that you could go see that animal in its natural environment with your Jeep. The simple black and white visuals […]