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Furniture design

Get inspired by great furniture design.

March 24, 2008
Upwell’s protean seat
Upwell’s protean seat

The Protean seat, a great piece of furniture by Upwell.

February 22, 2008
Donald Judd or cheap furniture?
Donald Judd or cheap furniture?

Funny quizz, my score was 83%. What’s your?

February 14, 2008
The magic furniture box
The magic furniture box

Amazing, furnitures for your entire apartment in a single box. Via Swissmiss.

February 9, 2008
Pieces of you
Pieces of you

More coolness from Inhabitat.

February 1, 2008
The rolling bench
The rolling bench

Simple, useful and aesthetic, everything I like. Via Yanko Design.

November 26, 2007
The reading wastebasket
The reading wastebasket

Isn’t design all about finding simple solutions to everyday life problems? This is what snowtone did beautifully with that reading wastebasket. Via Elmanco.

November 19, 2007
The equation bookshelf
The equation bookshelf

I need a bookshelf like this one, it would be perfect for my typography books. Designed by Estudio Breder.

November 9, 2007
Puzzle sofa
Puzzle sofa

Love this sofa by François Bauchet at Ligne Roset. Via Do Something Pretty.