There are a lot of web hosting companies, but few provide reliable services. You need to do your research well before settling on any one particular host. While a majority of companies provide support in multiple languages, some specialize in particular languages like French. If you are considering venturing into French web hosting, here are some of the factors that you should consider. You can take advantage of this and provide some unique services that will set you apart from the rest. You can find some of the best web hosting services on the following page if you so require these services. For investment purposes, here are 4 things that you must consider to get into this niche.
1. Customer Service
Customer service is key in any industry. Before approaching a web hosting company, you need to know how they respond to customers’ queries especially when dealing with technical problems. You should consider working with a host that has a 24/7 support, with an easy to access chat feature, social media visibility, and a reliable phone number. It would be an added advantage if the phone contact is toll-free. Hosts with in-house customer support tend to provide better services than those that outsource such services.
2. Server Reliability, Security, and Speed
You want a site that is fast and secure. You can lose a lot of business if you invest in a company whose sites take too long to load, or whose hosting poses security threats to users. A slow server is bad for business since it has your site going offline leading to loss of viewership, traffic, and search engine rankings. Ensure that you invest in a company that delivers a 99.9% uptime score. Your data is also prone to theft if handled by a host with poor security systems. Never take data security for granted since you can easily lose your hard-earned wealth in a short period if exposed to hackers.
3. Registration and Site Maintenance Cost
Different hosts have different charges. Take your time and check out the various packages provided by different companies concerning the services they provide. Some have low or even free registration charges, but then charge you a fortune when it comes to site maintenance. Often, most fail to reveal this information only to hit you with high charges when you are already deeply invested. Consider upgrade, renewal, and site expansion costs before settling with any host. Make sure to also discuss any possible additional charges and have a signed agreement.
4. Adding New Domains
When starting your business, consider the possibility of growth in the future. This growth also applies to your site. You may need to have additional sites and domains when expanding your business. You must discuss with your potential service provider this possibility so as not to limit your growth. Make sure you know their capacity to expand and the costs that will come with the same. The more the sites that can be hosted, the better.