Usability (UX) and User Interface (UI) models and best-practice methodologies are fundamental elements of a successful website. Typically, visitors to the site do not want to have to think when trying to work out how to navigate around the site and answer the site’s Call-To-Action (CTA).
The fundamental reason for implementing UX and UI design methodologies
At this juncture, it’s essential to be aware of the fact that the CTA is the raison d’etre for the website, the reason for its existence. And, it can include signing up for an email marketing newsletter, providing the company with a mobile number to receive short-form product sales notifications, and buying products on an eCommerce site.

Thus, it’s vital to implement UX and UI design best practices when developing a new website. Otherwise, the website will not attract its target audience and convert visitors to the site into returning customers.
As an aside, it is essential to note that the most challenging aspect of any digital marketing campaign, as implemented by a knowledgeable and skilled digital agency, is to convert visitors into returning customers. Once a website visitor has answered the CTA, the battle is won. Brand-loyalty is challenging to achieve but simple to maintain.
How to successfully implement UX and UI methods
Now that we understand the importance of building UX and UI best practices into our website design, the next aspect to consider is how to go about implementing UX and UI design best practices.
Thus, by way of expanding on this point, here are three tips worth considering:
Hire a professional website development agency
Unexpectedly, the first tip is to employ a website design company like Digital Silk to design and build your website.
Succinctly stated, a professional agency prioritizes the need to stay up to date with the latest website design models and methods. They employ people who have studied UX and UI design. And, the company expects these employees to keep track of the rapid advancements in UX and UI design. This tip is particularly pertinent in today’s digital world, which included the rapid technological advances that are part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Website design consistency
The overall website design must be consistent across the website, including every page on the site. According to, “design consistency is what ties UI elements together with distinguishable and predictable actions, which is key for great product experience.”
And, as highlighted more than once above, the rationale behind the brand website is to provide a great user experience, convert users into returning customers, and drive sales to the brand. Thus, design consistency must be maintained right across the site to ensure that the visitor to the site has a great experience and answers the site’s CTA.
Implement an iterative testing cycle Part of the successful UX and UI design process is to implement an iterative testing life cycle, especially including A/B testing. Concisely stated, A/B testing is a method used to determine which design option, A or B, is preferred by the majority of the brand’s target audience.